Forum Discussion

playaboy's avatar
Dec 19, 2021

Where are the RV's?

I just finished a long road trip. GDL to Paamul and up to Amarillo, TX. While driving I only saw 2 RV's on the road. And I was looking for them. One in Michoacan heading west and the other one just south of Saltillo going south.

Paamul had 4 rigs 2 of which have been coming down for over 5 years.
  • rocmoc wrote:
    Moisheh over the weekend local News reported Pima County / Tucson had only 8 ICU beds available / 2% of beds. This is compound by the Rural Hospitals asking for help with their patient loads.

    ....I just looking at our Quebec estimated wait time in Quebec emergency departments based on the number of patients on is DANGEROUS to be living in Quebec this winter. Just being up north, the chances of you or anyone being treated for an emergency of any kind (and this, since December 10th !) is almost zero in the Province. Catastrophic; a freakin' disaster!

    In our Quebec Health Region, the wait times for ANYTHING but heart attack related is DAYS ! More than 48 hours, and likely 72+ hours. The chances of surviving a heart attack so far for the month of December in Quebec is almost zero in all Health regions but 2 !
  • Hard to estimate the amount of people traveling in their rv's. Here in northern Arizona, we see lots of rv's still on the weekend, although its getting a cooler here now. Had dinner at the local casino, prime rib night and it was packed . Same here , few wearing masks an don't seem to be too concerned.

    Heading out in the rv next week for a small trip. Then on to the Quartzsite Az rv show in January. This might give an idea as to how many are traveling in their rv's and from where. You get a hundred thousand or so rv's parked in the desert, easier to see where they're from.

    After that, heading back down to mexico. See what's up there
  • Playaboy wrote:
    I am in TX now. Everything is like 2019. Few wear masks, restaurants are full, and it doesn't appear people here are worried.

    ....we had to move fast to escape Canada for the south (read: the Omicron panic, and knee-jerk reaction that Canada takes WELL after the horse is out of the barn). We left 30 days in advance of our original plans. Our observations across 9 States from Canada/Quebec border crossing to Florida: ....hardly any RVs the entire way. We saw only 11 RVs (of all genres) heading southward from NY along our entire route I-87 to I-95 all the way to Florida. In fact, by the time we traversed the city of Richmond VA, we counted 21 RVs heading NORTH on I-95 presumably heading away from the deep south, back home. We counted only 2 of those 11 southbound RVs as Canadian (both plates were Quebec).

    Looking at the 4 RV parks near us: they are jammed packed with RVers; however, we did not do a license plate count to parse the RVers origin....yet :D

    traversing North Carolina, we counted 2 car carriers (tractor-trailers) hauling full loads of Quebec plated cars presumably to Jacksonville, FL. The carriers were a Jacksonville company.

    We can't possibly parse the southbound RVers into Mexico or US deep-South bounders for obvious reasons.

    Here in North Florida, in St John's County, we have less than 1/3rd the amount of confirmed Covid cases since December 1st when compared with our Quebec county with just about equal populations. Simple deducing would suggest to me far and away fewer Covid cases here in our sector of Florida than in the frigid Arctic-like conditions of Quebec, where Quebecers hare huddled inside away from the brutal cold, ice storms, and freezing rains.

    In our condo complex, we are mostly over 65. Everyone we know here, and virtually everyone we have interfaced with have had their 3rd mRNA boosters. So, our little slice of paradise, Anastasia Island, is very low risk. Pretty well ALL activities are outdoors, as no one coming here paying "the big bucks" wants to sit inside in restaurants. All the live music events we see are outside, around the pool, or in outdoor venues. There may be obviously indoor bars, but what traveler in their right mind wants to be indoors in this spectacular beautiful weather here, in the 70s F and 80s F almost every day of far ?
  • Another local News update this morning for Pima / Tucson. Compounding the situation if could get a non-ICU bed, there is also a 1600+ Healthcare personnel storage.

    rocmoc n Th USA Southwest / Baja hoping next winter
  • I am in TX now. Everything is like 2019. Few wear masks, restaurants are full, and it doesn't appear people here are worried.
  • Moisheh over the weekend local News reported Pima County / Tucson had only 8 ICU beds available / 2% of beds. This is compound by the Rural Hospitals asking for help with their patient loads. Mask mandate is back in place in Tucson. We are not leaving our property except as necessary, canceled holiday dinners, placed a 10 day quarantine on by brother if he returns with his 5er and back to using curbside for food stuffs. Bummer!!!

    rocmoc n Th USA Southwest & hopefully BAJA next winter
  • Many of the Canadians are from BC. But they had such horrible weather problems, Rain, mudslides, closed highways, that they were unable to get away. Now throw in Omicron and many will be staying home. Some will be worried that the US border will close again leaving everyone stranded. Of course Trudeau did not help. He is advising Canadians to not not travel and warning that returning could be difficult. i,e testing and quarantining. We are in Kino but taking the Bluebird to Quartzsite for a month. But if Omnicron or regular Covid gets out of hand we will retreat to Mexico. Everyone here follows the rules. You cannot get into an Oxxo without a mask. Some of the small Supers have a take out window. You give the clerk your order and he brings it to the window. No entering the store. Maybe it is just my imagination but we feel safer in our Pueblo. I have seen a few RV's here but I think they are regulars. The highway from Nogales is full of Paisanos. Most of them are caravaning for safety reasons. Thus a bunch get to the toll booth at the same time. 1.5 hour waits. 3 hours to get your Car permit or FMM. If you come with an online permit still have to get in the long line.Until Xmas those heading North are also waiting a few hours at Nogales. Cross border shoppers.