Playaboy wrote:
I am in TX now. Everything is like 2019. Few wear masks, restaurants are full, and it doesn't appear people here are worried.
....we had to move fast to escape Canada for the south (read: the Omicron panic, and knee-jerk reaction that Canada takes WELL after the horse is out of the barn). We left 30 days in advance of our original plans. Our observations across 9 States from Canada/Quebec border crossing to Florida: ....hardly any RVs the entire way. We saw only 11 RVs (of all genres) heading southward from NY along our entire route I-87 to I-95 all the way to Florida. In fact, by the time we traversed the city of Richmond VA, we counted 21 RVs heading NORTH on I-95 presumably heading away from the deep south, back home. We counted only 2 of those 11 southbound RVs as Canadian (both plates were Quebec).
Looking at the 4 RV parks near us: they are jammed packed with RVers; however, we did not do a license plate count to parse the RVers origin....yet :D
traversing North Carolina, we counted 2 car carriers (tractor-trailers) hauling full loads of Quebec plated cars presumably to Jacksonville, FL. The carriers were a Jacksonville company.
We can't possibly parse the southbound RVers into Mexico or US deep-South bounders for obvious reasons.
Here in North Florida, in St John's County, we have less than 1/3rd the amount of confirmed Covid cases since December 1st when compared with our Quebec county with just about equal populations. Simple deducing would suggest to me far and away fewer Covid cases here in our sector of Florida than in the frigid Arctic-like conditions of Quebec, where Quebecers hare huddled inside away from the brutal cold, ice storms, and freezing rains.
In our condo complex, we are mostly over 65. Everyone we know here, and virtually everyone we have interfaced with have had their 3rd mRNA boosters. So, our little slice of paradise, Anastasia Island, is very low risk. Pretty well ALL activities are outdoors, as no one coming here paying "the big bucks" wants to sit inside in restaurants. All the live music events we see are outside, around the pool, or in outdoor venues. There may be obviously indoor bars, but what traveler in their right mind wants to be indoors in this spectacular beautiful weather here, in the 70s F and 80s F almost every day of far ?