Redcatcher70 wrote:
Thanks dallassteve I have been a little busy and was going to update but got behind. Yes, out-starters can use State Parks, but I recommend calling ahead to the specific Park to check on availability. People from "hot spots" will be turned away. Of course "hot spot" changes every week. Lodging at cabins and resorts is limited to 3 day stays over the weekends. Come on down the weather is fantastic! I am not sure of the status of COE parks, I am assuming they are following State guidelines.
I was trying to reserve an Arkansas State Park last night on their website. I never got to a page where I could pick my spot. It was more like just fill in your name and credit card info and pay for a night. All the other states I've tried have a map where I can click on the site I want (if it's available) and then pay for it. Do you know if Arkansas works that way?
Anyway, I may be going back to Texas. They sent me an email saying I my qualify for more unemployment due to the COVID panic. If they're giving away free money I may have to actually be in Texas to collect it and I can't pass up a deal like that.