Will make reservations for a week. We will be coming down from time at Cannon Beach - which we love - and Newport. On recent trips there we also stayed at Winchester Bay which is a beautiful park but find there is not a whole lot for us to do there again - we are not in dune buggies! :-) Then we have cut over to Crater Lake. But have visited Bandon in the past and thought it would be nice. Have talked to Bandon By The Sea and she was very nice on the phone (passed my first test of a new RV park to us).
As a photographer (gone kinda professional now and going very well - was a hobby) I am always looking for great places. OR Coast, in general, is one of my favorites and have won awards and sold pix of shots in the past.
And we can walk the beach for hours. Sadie loves being able to run on it.
Could not do that last time there but have now had major back surgery and am great. Ironically, was set to have my surgery done at Mayo in Phoenix and we met a couple on an OR beach last time there (I was sitting - could not walk it) who was from Tucson and she mentioned a neurosurgeon here. He did it and gave me my life back. We call that meeting on the beach there one of our "God Moments" - there are no coincidences in life.
Thanks for input. And, if there is more, let it come!
God bless all.