toedtoes wrote:
Naio wrote:
toedtoes wrote:
If something happens to my cat during this trip will I be OK with that?
Well, yes and no. I won't bring him unless I think it is the best bet for him. If I can come up with a better alternative I will do that. This thread is about scoping out one option.
That's not what I mean with that question. What I mean is will you be able to continue with the trip and enjoy it if your cat dies in the midst of it? Will you lay guilt on yourself because "if you had just done this instead, he wouldn't have died"? Will you simply be too heartbroken to enjoy your trip?
Oh. A good question.
I think I would feel a LOT worse if he died while in someone else's care while I was gone. Mainly because I was not there to hold his paw -- I would worry he felt abandoned.
As for whether I will feel I should have done something else, well, that is always an issue, isn't it? All we can do is make our best guess about what to do.
And the grief? Yes, it would take away from the trip. Nature is soothing to me, more than anything else is, but grief is still grief.
The idea of him dying while I am gone is part of why I think about bringing him with me. I would also feel terribly worried that he died because I picked the wrong person to care for him.
It's sort of like when I am at work and there is a very difficult part of a job. I tell my crew, 'I should do this one, because if it doesn't work we will all feel better if it was me who messed it up.'