We have been to Scenic Hills. It is just across the street from Troyer's Market and down the hill. If you go there you might want to get a spot in the bottom rather than on the top side. Topside is mostly gravel. They have full hookups. There is a brand new one on the west side of Berlin (out 39) but we have not been there. If you have not ever been to Holmes County Amish area there is a lot to see just driving around. YOu might take in Lehman's Hardware in Kidron. They have a big flea market and auction on Thursdays. Boyd and Wurthman's restaurant in Berlin is good. Miller's in Mt. Hope is great for Broasted Chicken. Berlin has Heini's Cheese Factory and then east on 39 in Walnut Creek is Walnut Creek Cheese and Bulk Food.
Charm is also a nice small town to visit. Just west out of Charm is Miller's Bakery a must stop place. On farther is Hershberger's which also has bakedgoods, cheese, and another building with things to purchase along with some animals including goats that walk around on the roof. All around a fun area. We go there 3-4 times a year.
Good Luck and Happy Camping.