moisheh wrote:
John and Angela: I saw where you posted that hospital costs are more or less the same across Canada. It is my understanding that this is not quite correct. I know that BC charges more than Manitoba. I will see if I can find that info. The Canada health act is very weak and hardly any province follows that act I think it is Quebec that provides no medication coverage outside of Quebec. In Manitoba surgeons are very inexpensive but if the operation is performed in Manitoba they get some sort of huge extra payment from a pool. Outside the province Manitoba Health only pays the basic amount.
Hey Moisheh. Nice to hear from you. Hope you guys are doing well.
From what I gather there are differences but I'll qualify my statement of generally the same as meaning no wild swings of let's say one province being 3 times the cost of another. There are also changes in regimens meaning for example, at 50 in BC you get your first colonoscopy whereas in Alberta it is 55. (Ask me how I know ??).
Canadians tend to over insure but a lot has to do with the individuals health, family history and of course budget. Everybody has there comfort zone.
We are hanging out in Palm Springs this year and saving our pennies.we spent part of last spring in Spain again spending our way through the country. This year we are planning and saving for our foray thru Argentina and Peru. Long LONG plane ride. Too much to see and not enough time (or money). ????