Francesca Knowles wrote:
Depends on the terrain for me...if it's well vegetated a couple hundred yards might be fine. But when out in the desert one needs more distance.
A second consideration might be style of camping, especially as regards noise. An important thing for me is enjoying the quiet surroundings one can only find when away from the crowd. I think this is a common goal for many those who use generators or stereos etc. might want to maintain more distance from established campers.
I always try to make sure that any noise I make won't penetrate into a neighbor's "perimeter", and appreciate it when others follow a similar rule-of-thumb.
that pretty much sums it allll up. :)
hehe kind of ironic, but at Glamis where we are now, we're about 5 feet from the guys in front of us, and 5 from the back. Dogs bark whenever we come out at all. But, it's Glamis, and that's what it's like here on a Holiday. Christmas was quite though. The weekend was a total zoo. I kind of like it when i'm here though.