korbe wrote:
I always get a chuckle when I read the posts that say your trip will be much more enjoyable in a north to south direction. Appearently some people feel uneasy crossing the centerline of a two way road to enter a large turnout. IMHO, it will be just fine. And BTW, some state parks are already booked for the weekends.
Totally disagree. Having driven up and down the Oregon coast more times than I can remember. It's always tough to pull over to a turnout heading north. Heading south you just slide right in. When turning left into a turnout you could completely stop traffic which will be going 55 mph. And when getting back on the road you only have to deal with one lane of traffic.
Plus by heading north out of some of the turnouts you are going against the traffic coming in. There are numerous turnouts along 101 that are nothing more than a gravel pull thru just wide enough for one or two vehicles. It's tough to pull out heading north if someone wants in. It just creates less confusion if heading south on 101.
It's just more natural to head south on 101.
As far as Crater Lake goes, there's a good chance that it will be open as the snow levels are way down this year. But a late storm system could change that.