bucky wrote:
So all the late arrivals get refunds? Kind of shoots holes in the services being used rationale doesn't it?
They do that c rap in the Outer Banks as well for rental houses, except that the fee is $125.00 for a 1 PM check in instead of the standard 4 PM. Maybe Superman(girl) flies in to clean those specific homes.
I don't get it. If the policy is arrival is after a certain time, what makes people think it's ok to arrive earlier? It's their house/campground, their rules. If you don't like the rules, there are other houses/campgrounds for you to try, without complaining on an Internet forum.
The house/campground owner uses the time between renters to clean and maintain the property. The extra fee is to discourage folks from infringing on that time.
Sure, a campground may not clean/maintain between every guest, but if they have to, it's pretty much the only opportunity to do do.