I will also add that three days won't allow you to see much of anything. Time wise, it's a long drive from place to place out here. Some of the roads are graded gravel, others very potholed pavement. Just a day trip to Chaco Canyon (well worth visiting) will take a very full day from about anywhere. Ditto Hovenweep.
In the Durango/Mesa Verde area, stop at the Anasazi Hertitage Center near Dolores. They can give you great information on many of the hisorical sites in the area.
Make sure you get an NPS pass if you don't already have the senior version.
You say you're not into long hikes, but be aware that for virtually all of the places people have mentioned, you'll have to get out of the car and walk 1/4 to 1/2 mile or more to see the ruins. Seeing them from the car is like looking at a picture -- you can't appreciate the construction and the day to day living routines that took place in those ruins. In some places, you can still see finger impressions in the mortar between the stones.
Want to save time and money? Skip 4 corners. $5 per person. Just a tourist trap IMHO. Not a place I'd ever take someone touring with us.