Thanks everyone for the feedback -
Yes-we do have two gray tanks and a black tank, each tank is 38 gal. And a 60 gal freshwater tank. My intention was to use the bathwater tank since it is cleaner and does fill up the fastest. I have been looking at grey tank additives to manage smells.
Thanks for recommending that the fresh and grey water systems be completely segregated. I had an eye toward that and appreciate the advise. I should add that we do not normally drink directly from the fresh water tank, we have RO water and a distiller, but we do want the fresh water to remain potable.
Yes, I would use two separate pumps and the fresh water pump would be at a higher pressure. I originally had felt that the higher fresh water pressure, the check valve, and a three way valve that could not allow grey water to backflow into the fresh water system would give me three protections against contamination. The three-way valve and pump switch would be located together in a locked basement.
I actually have two water challenges-I need a bit more fresh water, and I also need to get rid of some bath water. Using bathwater flushes would solve both problems. We already wash dishes in a small tub in the sink and yes, we have also poured that in the black tank-but that is only a grey-tank solution.
I have considered mixing the tanks using the control valves, but that also does not address the need for more fresh water.
My solution today involves using a 55 gal plastic drum with an attached pump for freshwater, and a wheeled waste tank hauler for the grey water.
Thanks again for all your advise. Any additional thoughts are welcome.