Lynnmor wrote:
cdevidal wrote:
Thanks. I see you have a click wrench. Is a bending beam wrench to be avoided when tightening lugnuts?
I currently have a beam style wrench but I've never seemed to understand how it works. Seems like nuts jerk when being tightened, not a smooth turn, thus I can't seem to get a good reading as the needle is bouncing all over the place while the nut jerks. On my TODO list is to read more and watch videos, or buy a click style wrench.
A bending beam works just fine. The clicker is for convenience. The best way to torque a fastener is to take the reading while the wrench is still in motion. Once stopped, stiction needs to be overcome causing the jerks you mentioned.
THANK YOU!! I've never seen that explained anywhere.
Do I want to attach by tape a small stopper on my desired poundage, so I don't have to watch it?