ChopperBill wrote:
laknox wrote:
It occurred to me that I've never seen, or even heard about, anyone making (even homebuilt) a 2-speed landing leg system. I think it would be very handy for those of us who might do a lot of boondocking, where parking is anything but level. Not necessarily an auto-shifting gearbox, but one that would allow faster extension/retraction when there's no weight on the legs. Just a thought...
Looks to me like you are a good candidate for the hydraulic conversion kit. Out prior unit had hydraulics, sure is not fun going back to electric.
Why? I've had both, and other than deploying faster, there really isn't that much of a difference between the two types...we're talking a couple of minutes difference, if that much. More to keep hydraulics trouble free than least that has been my experience.
Again, it's just a couple of minutes out of a camping trip...not that big of a deal if front jacks are a little slower...
IF jack, once load is on them get slower, have you thought about checking to make sure batteries are fully charged?