jmpulse wrote:
Has anyone relocated the axles back for better manners going down the road?
My Sierra Sport 5er sways way too much, and I am thinking about moving the axles back. I just do not know how far to go...
Any advice?
How far to move is a math problem based on the weight distribution of the current setup. The inputs being how much weight you want on the pin when the 5er is loaded and empty.
If it were me i'd try the following
1) when empty of the toys where are the weights per a scale?
2) when full of the toys where are the weights per a scale?
Based on the above you should have a clue as to how much weight you'll need to get on the pin (think % of pin vs loaded weight comparing toys and no toys). My guess is that your not to far apart and you may be overweight on the rear axle.
But it'll give you a place to start.