GDS-3950BH wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
So if you are a welder you should know thinner metal at a weld can fail. NOT from the weld but simply that's a stress point with thin metal as specified bu the trailer mfg. Light n Cheap!!!
So you are saying lightweight frames can’t be made strong ?
You know what they say fellows, a weld can look good and be bad and look bad and be good, but Lippert wins the award for the worst in show category consistently. I sit here having a beer under the awning of someone I met yesterday and leaned over and took this picture. Nice huh? 5 seconds with a grinder by Lippert or even the RV manufacturer might have at least made it look like someone showed a little bit of pride.

For sure not a very pretty weld, probably a pretty sound weld, don't see any undercut, doesn't look like its cold, but hard to tell from the picture . It almost looks like it was run downhill , if so thats a no no in my book, always want to run vertical up, not down . Yes pretty welds mean nothing, but in reality if he is a good welder ,then his welds are going to look pretty good. Its usually going to have some undercut if its too hot, or if its not laying in there pretty flat ,looks rounded so to speak ,then its probably too cold, or a lot of splatter. Depends on the rod or wire. Got the heat set right, and its laid in there right, it does not have to be pretty.
Its hard to tell from the picture, is that the hanger bracket for the leaf springs. ?? I see more bad looking welds on them then anything, that ,and they are usually pretty visible. Most everything else is usually covered up .