RustyJC wrote:
If the umbilical is long enough, it's your choice. Even with conventional 5th wheel hitches, some people plug into the hitch receiver (bumper) receptacle. I prefer to use a 7-pin Pollak receptacle in the bed with my B&W Companion hitch simply because I don't want the umbilical dragging back and forth across the top of the tailgate.
and a differing "JC" opinion......
Been using the bumper plug for ten (10) years with no problem.
When I first got a 5th - it was quick, easy and convenient.
Figured if I thought I needed a plug in the bed, I could move it to the bed at some later date.
"Later" has never arrived.
I do have a "V" tailgate. The cord 'rests' in the "V" on it's way to the bumper.
So *no* "dragging back and forth" on top of a factory TG.
(wouldn't like that either!)
I use a short bungee at the top of the "V" with a couple of wraps around the cord to handle the slack I intentionally leave in the cord.
Hitch is a PR SuperGlide. The trailer has been maneuvered in conditions where the slider moves - with no ill effects on the cord or connection.
To date - the cord shows no chafing or wear from "riding in the V",
has never caught on anything - or been accidentally disconnected.
So to answer the OP's question - NO the connector doesn't "need" to be in the pick up box......
However - depending on the type of hitch and/or your concerns.....
if it makes you feel better, what's one more hole in the bed?..:@