Forum Discussion

thirtydaZe's avatar
Jul 01, 2017

Factory Dual A/C

question regarding a FW with factory Dual A/C units. They both appear to be on the central air system.

my question is, in a situation such as this, are they able to run independently of one another?

our current 5vr, i added a 2nd unit, but it operates on it's own switch.

my concern is, we are not always able to camp with 50a shore power, if both a/c are always running seems porblematic.
  • Our Big Country has 2 separate T-stats for the 2 A/C's. Most recent trip we had 30 amp power, 85*-90* and ran just the rear A/C as all our guests came inside as it was too darn hot outside.
  • All of the Kz Durango Gold units have a separate thermostats for each AC, main living area and bedroom as well
  • Michelle.S wrote:
    I can't speak for ALL, but most have separate T-stats for each AC, allowing for running both or either by them selves.

    Our Jayco has separate thermostat & the bedroom unit is not connected with the duct system even tho we have a vent from main AC in there.
  • Ours is controlled by the same thermostat. The thermostat has 2 zones (one for each AC) with the temperature sensor located in each zone. When operating on 30 amps, during the day leave the Zone 1 AC in bedroom off and close bedroom and bath door while setting Zone 2 to AC setting of choice. At night on 30 amp, turn off Zone 2 AC and turn on Zone 1 to AC setting of choice. The thermostat has a zone button to go from one zone to the next so settings are individually controlled for each zone by one thermostat. Hope this helps.
  • I can't speak for other manufacturers, but all of the Grand Design units have a separate thermostat for each AC. We're actually in a situation right now where we are having to use only one AC (50 amp hook-ups, but low voltage on one leg that drops even further under a load), so that's what we're doing.

  • On our unit, both are controlled by a single DuoTherm Controller. But, the bedroom ac has a temperature sensor in bedroom, wired to the controller!
  • I can't speak for ALL, but most have separate T-stats for each AC, allowing for running both or either by them selves.