Lantley wrote:
Allworth wrote:
For every one that has failed there are thousands out there doing whatever is asked of them day after day.
Any Ford would be my third choice of brands just because I have never been a Ford fan; but to give up a good one because somebody else had a problem is not my way of doing things.
To tell someone that a 6.0 is a problem free truck as good as any other diesel of the same era would be misleading and dishonest at this point.
Bullet proofing is not a term associated with the other brands
How's that? I've got a 2005 6.0 that's got 100k and not had any real issues at all. Recently I started having a little injector stiction issues (in one injector only) that they synthetic oil and archoil additive cleared right up and she's running better than ever. And its not bullet proofed.
Can you honestly say the truck he bought after selling the one he had is better? Its sub par to what he had in basically every category.