Bird Freak ...
As the OP here , I asked for input. I got it . I got the PROS and I got the CONS. I am thankful for both and it does take both to make any informed decision.
I turned away from owning the 6.0 because I see it CLEARLY as a problem , waiting to happen. If that constitutes being SCARED .... I am proud to accept that description.
I do not have to actually HAVE cancer, to know it exists, and is something that I want to avoid where I have the ability to do so. I feel that same way about the RISK , connected with the 6.0.
If YOU are satisfied with YOUR 6.0 then that is good for you ... but the future may hold a SURPRISE for you , and the financial results may hurt you a lot.
At THAT point ... you may change your mind..... or NOT !
I hope that does not happen to you ... but MY primary goal is to guard against it happening to ME ! I feel my move is backed up by statistics of success and reputation of the 7.3 and I understand if it is NOT the decision for YOU !
I do not think bad of you or have criticisms of YOU for feeling the way YOU feel .. and I would like to think I have the right to own what I want to without criticisms as well.
Good luck with your 6.0 experience.