newman fulltimer wrote:
The door is a third party vendor go directly to them.but being glass will you expect forest river to cover a rock through your window?
For those that do not understand my comment forest river replaced the product that failed.the glass is not covered under a warranty other than defect a break it not a defect.Same as in a car you buy a new car and the window breaks do you go scream at ford Chevy dodge or who ever or do you just file it on ins.
Therefore same as a rock through a window just replace it and move on with life.
The next question is why did the strap break
Going to fast around a corner
Rough road
Stop to fast
Take off to fast
Big incline
Jump. A curve
Hit a hole
And so on
So if the roof caves in on your house due to faulty shingles and a storm comes by, who is responsible..........I would say the faulty shingles. But I guess you would blame the storm.....even though the shingles are supposed to hold up during such an event.
What you are saying makes no sense. It was their defective part that caused the door to crack, therefore they should fix it.