Bobandshawn wrote:
Coach-man wrote:
X2!! I have noticed a lot of people pooh, pooh the super glide! They say it is heavy? I want something heavy and rugged to pull my 5th wheel! You never have to stop and think, "should I slide"? It does so automatically, you just back it in, no worries! Hitching and un hitching is a snap! I do not have to worry about it it just sits there and does what it is supposed to do! You wanted a suggestion, Pullright Super Glide all the way!
And he wouldn't be able to pull much trailer as of all the added hitch weight. If I could I'd go superglide in a minute but I have to keep my hitch weight under 2500-2600 lbs. And I am too dang old with too many back issues to be lifting that monster out of the truck. I am seeing a 225-250 lb hitch with the rail adapter for my 5h wheel prep.
They do make trailers that have the tapered cap that will allow a short bed to turn pretty tight. Most of these are trailers that are in the weight range a 3/4 ton truck can haul. I watched a guy back in a Cougar with a Chevy short bed and a non sliding hitch pretty slick.
Here is my take ,I tow with a 2014 Ram 3500 Megacab SRW. I have the Reese picture frame adapter for the fifth prep, and an older 18K Reese slider. The pin sits 2" forward of center on the axle. Not once with the Ram or my previous truck a ford Superduty short bed have I needed to pull the slide back. My fifth wheel is a 2008 ,and has somewhat the rounded corners, not nearly as much as the new ones.
I would not have any concern with cab clearance with the Andersen hitch, and a short bed Ram or any brand for that matter. IMO its the only way to go, way more advantages to the Andersen, then disadvantages .
I have a heavy monster of a hitch, just like the B&W ,and the rest of them. IMO why have to put a hoist in a garage or disassemble a hitch to remove from the truck . There is also the cost factor , Andersen will save you a few bucks.