Door jamb 'Tire data sticker'
Has PAYLOAD (Cargo Carrying Capacity) for THAT truck
Subtract weight of driver over 150#, all weight of other occupants, weight of all stuff on cab and stuff in bed (hitch etc)
WHat is left over is amount of cargo capacity left to handle pin weight.
RV Mfg. only list DRY pin weights vs WET pin weight (loaded trailer)
so guesstimate 20% of trailers GVWR for a WET pin.
IF payload can handle the 20% of Trailer GVWR then you will NOT have any rating issues (RAWR, Rear Tire Max Load Ratings, GCVWR)
Your and occupants weight is easy......everybody steps on scale and add it up
Traditional 5th wheel hitch.use 200#
Andersen style 4 tube hitch.use 70#
Stuff in cab use 50#
14K GVWR 20% is 2800# (which could be pin weight w/o trailer loaded to GVWR)
(figure what dry pin to UVW ratio is.....use that % for GVWR)
So with a 14K trailer you would be looking for a truck door sticker that has 3500# CCC