Forum Discussion

FF286's avatar
Apr 29, 2019

How to clean the weep holes?

Last year I noticed water standing around the bottom of the window when the heater was used. Today when I washed the camper I sprayed water in the weep holes and noticed a lot of junk flowing out of them. After seeing this I went to all the windows and did the same thing. Almost all the windows had trash in them, some worse than others.
What do y’all do to clean the weep holes out. The water hose seams to work but probably not the best idea. I also have not checked to see if water will drain from the inside yet.
  • I use to same method to clean ours as what you used to discover the problem. I spray water into the “weep-hole”, essentially “back-flushing” the weep-hole. Obviously, you must have a good seal at the window area......but, I flush and repeat, until I get clean water flow from the “weep-hole”! This is especially problematic in the eastern/southern areas of the US.... unlike Wyoming where I now live! ;) However, every time I return home from a southeastern trip.....the windows get a “good” flushing!
  • Be sure to tighten all the screws around the inside perimeter of your window frames every year. Going down the road the flexing and twisting of the RV will compress the butyl sealer between the window and the RV and allow water to get in. Every 10 years is about right to pull the windows and put new butyl tape sealer on. Don't waste your time putting sealer around the edge of the window frame. First trip or two and it will break free and be useless.
  • We had a TT and the weep holes were awful to keep clean and water flowing through them instead of coming inside. I found that a paper clip worked wonders and would clear out the "junk" that accumulated. I would clean them out every couple of months and never had another problem with them.