Sorry to hear of your catastrophe, OP. Hope you get it all straightened out quickly.
That being said, incidents of this sort emphasize the need to follow up after workmen of any sort do any work on/beside/near your car/house/RV. Not because workmen in general are incompetent or anything, but because they are all human and as all of us who are human know, mistakes are something humans do all the time. So it is NEVER a bad idea to have one more pair of eyes checking behind the last pair.
Beyond that, Industrial Safety experts will tell you that water/air/electrical valves/switches/mains that are turned off by a worker should NEVER be turned back on by anyone else. There was a reason they turned 'em off in the first place, and someone's life could be threatened if they get turned back on before the original reason for the outtage is accounted for.
I used to work at a factory that made it an "instant firing offense" for ANYONE to touch such an "off" button, switch, valve other than the guy who turned it off. I was told it was because somebody got killed there once, years ago.
So my words to one and all faced by the announcement from the wife that the water is off, should not be simply turning it back on, it should be to check ALL your connections to said water to see that things are as they should be, then go get the guy who turned it off and ask for it to be turned back on (and while you are at it, Mr. Workman, please double check whatever it was you did that needed the water off in the first place).
Just a friendly reminder. Your safety matters.