Paul Clancy wrote:
To me this is a design flaw not unlike the need to move and stack heavy recliners in some rear living models. I was drawn to that layout until I realized the slides would not close until I swartzeneggerd the furniture. Forget it. I did think the sales person should have mentioned it but of course he didn't.
I have to agree on the issue - sometimes the design is not completely thought out. I bought one of those units where I constantly have to "swartzenegger" the chairs. I hate it...but I neglected to check it out before buying. I did sit on the potty, laid in the bed, and tried to mimic using things as much as I could while on the lot. Just missed running the slides in and out and the impact the chairs have. To the OP - same thing, it should have been caught before you bought. And if it was an issue, don't buy. While I would share the dissatisfaction with the manufacturer, I would not dream of expecting them to fix it. It was something easily seen when deciding whether this was the 5th for you - not something hidden or that breaks well before it would be expected to....