code3run wrote:
Yes as far as where I’m plugged in is good. Been plugging trailer in since it was new same spot . I just fired up the generator and everything kicks on like it should . Now just turned generator off and plugged trailer back in and nothing . No power . Where might the transfer switch be ? Thanks for all the he help I really appreciate it
I'm still not clear that there is power at the household outlet. Just because it used to work doesn't mean the breaker on the house panel hasn't popped or something else in the household system failed.
Always start at the source and work your way downstream:
- Start with a multimeter at the outlet and check for voltage.
- Then plug in the cord and check the far end of the cord to make sure you have voltage.
- Then trace the cables to the transfer switch (assuming there is a built in generator) and check the voltage going into the switch and coming out the other side.
- Then go to the breaker panel and check for voltage.
- Etc..
Eventually, you should find that the 120v power is no longer there and now you have a good idea of where the issue is.