Yeah I had thought about putting some standoffs on there and probably will. I'm going to go back in after using them a little more and see if they are still getting as hot (as evident on the backing plate) and if so put in some spacers.
For the interior LED lights I don't believe they use these same drivers or any type of driver for that matter. I believe the interior LEDs are powered directly off of the dimmer voltage. The dimmers vary the DC between ~9v to full DC output(12-13.xV). These drivers are only for the four large outside LED flood lights that require ~55V at full power.
The outside LED floods do kick ass but the dimming solution could be better from my experience. I find that I set the dimmer to the light output I like but after a while it will get a lot brighter. Telling me the output voltage on the drivers are likely increasing as they heat up over time. I also get a lot of feedback in my stereo when the big floods are on making the stereo practically unusable.