Forum Discussion

ramyankee's avatar
Jul 10, 2019

Our good friends got a new Cedar Creek...

I guess it is actually a 2020. They didn't want to purchase from their local dealer, that huge nation wide chain. So they chose a dealer that they felt comfortable with, a dealer in Ukiah Ca...
Since neither have the class A license he delivered it to them. They are taking the training for the license so officially they have never driven it...
Now comes the good part. The husband was glancing at the 5th wheel, looked up and thought something looked out of whack. Went out bought a longer ladder and when he got level with the roof saw that it had peeled back from the front cap and a bit from the drivers side. His dealer said take pictures and turn in a claim. Side note, before they saw the damage it had rained on it...
Question: what are the chances of telling Cedar Creek they would sure like a NEW replacement? What are the chances of water damage that may end up biting them in the butt later? What are recommendations? Has this happened to anyone?
She has retired within the year and he is retiring at the end of the year. Their FIRST rv ever and now they are both a bit ticked...

Thank you