Forum Discussion

Diesel_Camper's avatar
Nov 08, 2014

Parking lot owner liability

In a separate thread I mentioned that I pulled our 5er into a horizontal sign arm in a parking lot. The damage was a hole in the fiberglass that came into the living area.

In any other situation like this I know it would be all my fault. This sign post was like nothing I have ever seen. It was located in the corner of the lot near the entrance. The horizontal portion stuck out from the main post about 6 or 8 feet and about 10 feet off the ground pointing straight out into the parking lot. The lot is on a corner and I was using it to turn around from one entrance and go out the other. I thought it was a lamp post and never saw the horizontal arm. There was no ballard preventing travel under the arm. I ended up turning the front of our 5er into it and didn't even know what I hit till I got out. Would the parking lot owner share any blame here due to an unusual structure with no protection to keep people from driving under it?