ChrisO83 wrote:
I have a Pullrite Super 5th hitch with the removable bed rail system.
When the hitch and rails are removed I have four 1 3/4" holes in the bed of my truck that I would like to cover / plug when not in use.
There is about 3/4" between the bottom of the truck bed and the top of the under bed rails.
I was thinking about adapting pucks that come with the newer Ford trucks but i don't think that will work.
Any suggestions on how to plug / cover them? :?
Dodge has two drain holes at the back of the bed - which are actually in the bottom of the rear bed 'wall' behind the cab.
They are somewhat oval -rather than round- but should be available at
a Dodge parts counter (probably way more $ than some other solution).
A bit of trimming and they should fit.
A stroll thru Lowe's or HD should yield something that would work.
BTW - I have a PR SG -with the four holes- and for me, they're just four "drain holes" when the hitch is not in the bed..:C