Me Again wrote:
gtsum wrote:
Me Again wrote:
gtsum wrote:
I am looking at taking delivery of a new toy hauler here in the next couple of weeks and want to put G tires on it (16500 GVWR). After research,it appears the two main G tires are Sailuns and Goodyears...with the GY's being double the price...thinking of ordering some Sailuns online and having them drop shipped to my dealer for install before even driving off the lot. By all accounts, seems to be damn good tire
The dealer can not replace the tires before the sale without getting the manufacturer to issue a new placard so the tires match the placard at first sale. Chris
hmm...I was not aware of that. Surely they could do it after I sign on the dotted line? The stories of blow outs scare me as we are doing 3000 mile trip in July and I am not sure I am comfortable with the stock towmax or westlake tires...rig will weight about 12500 empty...likely 14k loaded down ready for the road
You are wise to not want the blowmax or westleak tires. You have to make sure the OEM rims are rated for LRG tires. It would be nice to have the placard match the tires you want, but I would not let that stop you! So you may have to do it after the sale. Chris
Yes, rims are rated for G tire pressure from factory (which begs the question why dont the manufacturer do it in the first place?). Still undecided between 2 haulers..Fuzion or XLR thunderbolt...the Fuzion comes with G tires on it from factory (albeit Araisun or something like that), but the XLR comes with Westlake ST tires - those being the ones I would want to change to Sailun if we go the xlr route. Thanks for the info!