FWIW, I have a 4WD Dodge 3500 SRW and my brother has a 2WD Dodge 3500 SRW.
He bought his after I bought mine and was convinced he didn't need 4WD, so he bought a 2WD. He has had only 1 occasion where he really needed 4WD (surprise snow storm while camping in the Eastern Sierras). He had to be towed out of his camping spot. But, that was enough. His next truck, he says, will be 4WD.
Myself, I have only NEEDED 4WD once and it was on a steep, gravel driveway. In 2WD, the truck wouldn't begin to move. Switched to 4WD and I drove out like I was on concrete.
One benefit of 4WD I have found is using the the 4LO range for low speed backing the truck/trailer into tight spots or up steep driveways. If you spend a lot of time doing this, the transmission can heat up quickly. Using 4LO reduces the stress on the transmission and increases air flow to the cooler (increased fan rpm).