downtheroad wrote:
Can't imagine buying a 350/3500 truck with 2 wheel drive.
Probably the good price is a reflection of the fact that no one wants one and they can't get rid of it.
..and then there is the re-sale factor to consider. Good luck with that.
Can't imagine buying a 350/3500 truck with 4 wheel drive!..:R
Towed all over the USA - 34 ft 5th with SRW two wheel drive.
Did I do that during the winter?? - well yes and no.
The winter "Yes":
I live in CA. Plenty of places to go in CA/AZ where the weather is mild - all year round.
The winter "No":
Maybe if I was in MT or WI, or.... but most of those folks winterize their RVs.
Guess I might need the 4x4 for a snow plow attachment, rather than RVing.
My experience - for a lot of years had a place in the local mountains, about six thousand ft elevation. Lots of snow.
Also, many ski trips to the Sierras in winter.
Had a 1T SRW crew-cab - with "open" differential. No big deal!
Only need for 4 wheel drive was to get past the "chain inspection station" - when chains were req'd for two wheel drive.
(4x4 just had to have them along with you).
Great fun watching the 4x4 "flatlanders" who thought 4x4 was the cure all for snow conditions.....Oops black ice - and so much for 4x4!
For me the two 4x4 vehicles I had were just another thing to maintain - which I didn't use or need (except for the CHP insp stations).
Resale value?
Excellent in my neck of the woods - usually 4x4 trucks are the ones to stay clear of - due to abuse by the off-road "kiddies".
Neighbors are from Chicago. No need for 4x4 - no clue why anybody would need chains for anything...:@
A friend lives in Oregon - tows a 36' Alpenlite with SRW 2x2.
The 4x4 crowd (and the salesman) thought he was nuts when he ordered two wheel drive.
He's towed round-trip to Alaska *early* in the season to workcamp twice with no problems.
If I lived in the mtns or CO, MT, etc. *SNOW country*- sure! -
4x4 is a no brainer.
However, if I wanted to "play" off-roading, it sure wouldn't be with a pickup!..:W
Gets down to where you live, how you will use the truck, and lastly what rings *YOUR* chimes...;)..:C