Bigmoss wrote:
I bought a 2015 Jayco Eagle 28.5 HT this year and one thing I had the dealer do was replace the analog thermostat with a Coleman Mach Digital one. I just like the ease of seeing the screen etc
The AC and the Heat worked perfect until the very last day before I winterized the 5er a few weeks ago. I had the heat set at 20 but when I came in from outside noticed it was cold and saw the stat read 16. I turned the heat off and waiting a few seconds and back on again and sure enough the stat clicked and on came the furnace and it blew heat until the stat read 20 and went off like it should. I waited a while and sure enough it got down to 17 or so and still did not click on again.
I dont believe it is a furnace issue because when the stat is reset the heat worked just fine and the furnace fires right up and blows hot. Its prob a stat issue. Anyone run into this before ?
I phoned Coleman and they are sending me a replacement stat but just wondered what else I might trouble shoot before just swimming them out.
Is your thermostat calibrated/showing for C or F degrees?
Just a thought.....