Forum Discussion

SkipStock's avatar
Feb 12, 2015

Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

What's the Good, Bad and Ugly on these?
They don't look terribly expensive but are they worth the money or just another hole to dump money in for a marginally useful add on?

Specifically for a 5th Wheel 3 axle Toyhauler..........

Appreciate any input,
  • My .02 - if you're running Chinese tires then, by all means, get the TPMS. If you're running Michelin XPS Ribs, like I am, then TPMS is not necessary.
  • Lots of discussions about them on here. With some detractors. But far and away those who have them are very glad they do. Gives peace of mind being able to monitor your tire pressures and temps while on those long drives, not just when stopped. Can't prevent flats and/or blowouts, but can let you know of a low tire before it goes bad due to running low, or to let you know of a blowout that you may not have heard before it ruins a wheel.