Forum Discussion

thd's avatar
Oct 18, 2017

Tire Wear Question

I have a Seismic 355W and I picked it up from storage today. I was underneath just checking stuff and notice cupping on the edge of my tires. Both sides. Left front is the worst, with significant cupping inside and out. Tires are G rated and inflated to 110psi, always run max pressure.

What causes cupping on both inside and outside edges of the tire? Alignment issue?

I also started using a TPMS and was wondering what the max pressure alarm should be?
I set the alarm for 130 psi, and when the outside temp was above 90 degrees, the tires would exceed 130 psi. Is this normal?
  • thd wrote:
    ..... I have about 1/16th of an inch gap on the front edge of the front tire on both sides. Looks like a very slight toe in and even on both sides. The link said less than 1/8th of an inch is ok.

    My experience with cars is that 1/32nd each side (1/16 total) is where this has to be to avoid tire wear problems. I don't know if that applies to trailers, but I would think it would.
  • azdryheat wrote:
    Tight turning plays heck with tires.

    Now that may be a possibility. I live on a cul-de-sac and its a tight turn around to leave. Usually the tightest turn I do on pavement. Just didn't think a quick turn around like that would wear that much?
  • Thanks for the link. Good info.
    I was able to check it fairly easily. I have about 1/16th of an inch gap on the front edge of the front tire on both sides. Looks like a very slight tow in and even on both sides. The link said less than 1/8th of an inch is ok.
    Also, with the tpms, I am not seeing excessive heat in any one tire. The only difference in temperature I see is when the sun is shining on one side. The side facing the sun always runs a few degrees warmer.