Forum Discussion

G-Strad's avatar
May 01, 2016

TT Toy Hauler Weights

We've been looking for a TT toy hauler for a while. After looking at a number of brands and floor plans, we are really liking the Evergreen Amped and Reactor lines. The Amped are a little more upscale and the Reactor are more traditional, but very nice. We looked at several yesterday and I specifically look for the weight stickers. The only ones I found were the yellow labels with the maximum capacity and the GVW. Here is the problem. The Evergreen brochure states a UVW of 7400 lbs on the Amped 27FS with a GVW of 11900. On the sticker, it had a max cargo capacity of 3000 lbs, when doing some subtraction, means the trailer would have a weight of 8900 lbs! The salesman said that you can take approx 1500 lbs off due to tongue weight! Ha, the trailer still weighs what it does, either on the hitch or the front jack. Anyway, I asked if we could have the trailer weighed before signing any paperwork or writing a check. He said they would not do that as it would put them under liability for the reported weight. I didn't understand that, why would weighing a trailer relieve the manufacturer of liability and place it on the selling dealer. I think he didn't want to see the number. Many other brands have labels that show an actual weighed number upon build completion, give or take a little bit. A couple hundred pounds is understandable.

What are your thoughts on the weight situation we are seeing? Any possible explanations for the weight difference? The trailer did not have a huge amount of options on it, only a small slide. The Reactor trailers showed a similar issue between cargo capacity and GVW. Even if propane was filled and full of gas in the gen tank, only looking at less than 500 lbs.

Should we find another dealer that will be willing to show us actual weights? Most brands show axle weights, hitch weights and cargo capacity. Add axle to hitch and you get dry weight, add cargo capacity and you get GVWR. Enlighten me if I am missing somethings.

Sorry for being so wordy, trying to get all of the info out there.

  • To me it sounds like a lazy salesperson that doesn't want to take the time to get it weighed with you. They may not have scales too. I would see if it would be possible to hook it up and tow it to the nearest certified scale. That way the liability if any doesn't lie with the dealer. That was their stated issue to begin with so now you both can win.

    FWIW the dry weight of the TH is mostly meaningless unless if you're always going to tow with nothing ever in the trailer. For that reason I would just make sure your TV can handle the trailers listed GTWR . If the trailer CCC is small and you think you might be busting the limit then you need to get weights of all your gear and then get weights of the trailer for sure. Add them both together and make sure to account for water and most gear and voila ..
  • I was looking at the 27 foot Amped TT toy hauler myself. The dealer here in Redding told me the Amped line was discontinued and Evergreen was only going to make the Reacter and deliver it in an 8 ft body.
  • My Jayco TH shows 6,930 in the brochure, 7898 by yellow sticker with full propane and generator fuel tank, and 8740 by scale with a full fresh water tank. With a 11,950 GVW, the cargo capacity goes from the 5,020 in brochure to a real 3,260 ready to travel.
  • camp-n-family wrote:
    There are usually 2 yellow stickers these days, one should show the uvw as it left the factory. If you can't find it, use the tire loading sticker. Subtract the cargo rating from the gvwr and you have its empty weight. It can be significantly different from the brochure weight.

    The second yellow sticker was not on the trailer. I did use the tire loading sticker. Cargo Capacity not to exceed 3002 lbs. GVWR is 11,900 lbs. A little math and 8,900 lbs comes up. Not close to the 7400 lbs UVW of the brochure. 1500 lbs seems like a lot to fudge with. And if the dealer will not weigh the trailer to verify weight, they pretty much lost a sale. Same dealer also is having an issue with the new Rage'n brand made by Pacific Coach Works. Seems PCW has had a good name in the industry. The issue pertains to fraudulent weights. How would the dealer know of these weight issues if they never weigh trailers themselves? Seems fishy, and I don't fish.
  • There are usually 2 yellow stickers these days, one should show the uvw as it left the factory. If you can't find it, use the tire loading sticker. Subtract the cargo rating from the gvwr and you have its empty weight. It can be significantly different from the brochure weight.
  • Toy haulers are always heavier than stated brochure weight, mine was at least 600# heavier but not a big deal since the only weight that I considered is the GVWR.

    Your tow vehicle should to be able to handle the GVWR and have sufficient payload and hitch to carry the heavier than normal tongue weights that are typical for these type of rigs.

    The Amped 27FS is definitely 3/4 ton territory for a safe and comfortable towing experience. I have a similar sized TH and it can be a handful for my Chevy HD2500 when fully loaded.

    I have been looking at TH and TT units lately and find the Evergreen Amped rigs to be very nice and well built overall. Looking at their weights I would not really consider them lightweight.
  • Y-Guy

    That is exactly what we were thinking walking back to the car. Didn't want to be too quick to judge, that's why I asked for opinions.

  • G-Strad wrote:
    He said they would not do that as it would put them under liability for the reported weight.

    That tells you what you need to know. They know the weights are off. If they won't weight it, then they won't stand behind it. Find another dealer or call and talk to the supervisor if you want. I'd walk.