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kmgk92's avatar
Oct 25, 2015

Unwanted critters

Hi everyone. Need some advice. We keep our camper on a seasonal site. Until this year we haven't had any critter issues. Unfortunately a our camper went unused for about 3 weeks. Now that we are back to using it I found we have unwanted critters. I'm not sure if it's mice, chipmunks or squirrels. I have spent the last two nights listening to them running in the ceiling. Yesterday I place traps in various areas and sealed any place I thought they might be coming in. I plan to check the roof today. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I still haven't figured out how to get traps in the ceiling since that's where I know they are.
  • midnightsadie wrote:
    its amazing how small a hole a nouse can get in, size of a dime. peppermint oil works for me a a product called fresh cab,

    X2 on the fresh cab. Its available at Tractor Supply and many hardware stores. On their website you can find a retailer near you. It smell likes Pine trees and works great.
  • Do your own pest control

    Some rat and mouse poisons dehydrate them until they die so if you keep the unit dry of water they will leave looking for water and die somewhere else. Usually it will say in the directions to keep water sources out of the area or something like that. You can buy poison boxes to put the stuff in so dogs and kids can not get to it. They go in and eat the poison then leave the box and the mess inside. You can then clean out the box every now and then and replace the poison. I keep one under my unit near both wheels where they typically enter so the food source is right there.
  • I would like to try the peppermint oil but am curious, how long before the oil will dry out?
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Using poison etc means they will crawl back into their main area and die. You may have to tear a wall out to get to them...

    I found this on google search awhile back and had to try it out. I caught one mouse haha... I threw him outside and he probably beat me back into the trailer haha...

    ALot of folks have got the 100% PURE PEPPERMENT OIL from AMAZON and soak up a bunch of cotton balls and keep in a zip-up bag to keep them fresh. Then you can place these cotton balls where you find where they are getting in at... The only big store around here that carries 100% peppermint oil is WEGMANS...

    Roy Ken
  • Try taking off the inside plastic trim peice on your roof vent, you should be able to see in your attic space. Put a couple traps in there. I would also tie a peice of string to the trap so you can retreive it. Good luck.
  • Driving them out once they are inside could be different than preventing them from getting in to start with. Some people swear by the electronic repellers. I tried them years ago in a garage and didn't notice any effect. Maybe newer ones work better or maybe a more powerful one. Some say it might take a couple weeks for them to escape the annoying sound.

    One thing I wouldn't do is put out poison. Been there done that. You'll regret it. Use traps or sticky pads.
  • I've been told that if you put dryer sheets all around in cabinets, storage areas etc that most critters hate the smell or something about them and will relocate. Not sure how true it is but I have them all over my RV. Sealing everything up tight is also a good idea. You can also put them hanging out of your pocket for a mosquito repellent. Good luck!
  • its amazing how small a hole a nouse can get in, size of a dime. peppermint oil works for me a a product called fresh cab,