Living with my VRV
The fridge on the 7x20 is great under AC. With Gas the temps of the fridge can swing depending on the outside temps. It seems dependent on the overall heat outside. When its 90's the fridge is struggling under gas and I slowly see the temp rize to near 60 degrees which is not good for food obviously. With the air conditioner on and the VRV plugged into AC then it seems to do OK with 90 degree outside temps. I'm new to these dual units so I don't know if that is to be expected.
Also I dry camp a few times this summer for dirt bike events. I was showering post ride when I was fully lathered up with soap and the water pump blew a fuse. I put another in but it lasted only a few seconds. I bumped up to a 20 amp fuse just to get the soap off me and it still blew out but luckily after I was soap free.
Now I need to triage what is going on with that. There was plenty of water in the tank so it wasn't going dry. I wonder if there might be some roto-mold slag in the pump or something. It stinks that I'm hundreds of miles from a Livin Lite dealer. I need to figure out how to proceed on having that looked at.