Forum Discussion

Bob_E_'s avatar
May 06, 2017

Weight of "Stuff"

Not counting the toys, how much "stuff" (clothes, food, dishes, supplies, camp chairs, etc) do you think is in your camper for say a family of four? 1000lbs? More?
  • We don't pack light and we add 1k for a 2 week trip, tanks empty. I have no idea how you would add 2k like biscuit unless maybe full-timing.
  • It can get up there real fast....this, that, and the other things..
    It's called, "cargo bloat," and it can become a problem.

  • My 2007 19 Ft" Attitude 5,700 dry loaded 7,200 = 1,500

    Three Dirtbikes gear, water, tools, chairs,folding tables,Food,pots pans, one old fashion coffee perkulator, and a plug in Mr Coffee,utensils,toaster, clothing, 100 gallons of water and so on! (-) 3 Dirtbikes 6,500 with fuel = Not counting toys~ 750 of stuff!
  • Weighed mine after I loaded with 10 chairs, pots pans, grill, sheets, towels, blankets, silverware, cups, mugs, awning matts, folding tables, grill stands, some food, and some clothes. plus hammock, and stand. And a few other things I'm forgetting. I added 650lbs.

    1000lb would be a lot of junk, and to be honest. There isn't enough room in my TT for much more.
  • Yup. Accumulated stuff does weigh a lot.

    I was VERY shocked just how much STUFF I had on board AND how much it weighed when I unloaded it to buy a new one. :E

    3/4 of that stuff I unloaded from the old RV DID NOT go into the new RV.
  • In mine about 700 pounds...including extra kitchen sink...just in case.
  • Family of 4

    1800-2000# of stuff. And a lot of that stuff is NOT even needed/used