NMace wrote:
I have not argued to pull anything with anything, on the contrary I said deal with specifics.
You guys need to learn to read.
My reading comprehension is quite good. We dealt with specifics...the OP's truck, nothing more, nothing less.... Learn to work off original post and specifics to that. 1/2 ton's have their place, just like 3/4 ton trucks, 1 ton SRW and 1 ton DRW trucks....Trucks have come a long way in the last 3 to 5 years, especially with weight increases in GVWR and GCWR...but anyone who uses the manufacturers "recommended" weights as far as what they can tow in a 5th wheel or a TT, needs to look at the whole picture, which includes, payload, GVWR, RAWR..Also need to know one's weights before even THEY can make a "blanket statement"
Like someone else stated, I wouldn't feel right coming on here telling someone they could tow an rv with a truck (the OP"S), that might cause safety issues, or just wear out the TV prematurely...you may not care about that responsibility, but I and some others do.
Reading comprehension...It really does come in handy, but so does some very simple math and some "common sense"...