Forum Discussion

pioneerclaims's avatar
Nov 15, 2014

What's the deal on MSRP???

I was speaking to an older couple about prices for new fifth wheels. The man said to tell the dealer you want 30% off the MSRP (based on on-line prices), and negotiate from there.

His wife said their last five RV's were bought using the 30% discount rule.

What's reality on pricing? Don't want to pay too much... I know the industry was suffering the past few years, but I understand that they have rebounded and are 'smarter' about inventory.

What should I be expecting to pay on a new unit (discount)? It's been nine years since my last one, and I got a helluva deal from a dealer that was going out of business. Not sure what the market is like these days.
  • midnightsadie wrote:
    MSRP price $100.000 on sale for $65,000 they realy don,t mean a thing. do your home work get on the net find out what they really sell for and figure out the price you will pay, its all hype to get your money.

    MSRP is just a meaningless number..:S
    Always has been, always will be.

    Not that it matters, but the only *reliable* MSRP are prices published by manufacturers, *not* dealers.

    The sites that supposedly know dealer cost are blowing smoke!

    Know *exactly* what brand, floorplan, and options you want.

    Shop around via the internet, always comparing "apples to apples".
    "Shopping" means all over the country - including "wholesalers".

    Find the best price to *order* a unit - then shop it closer to home.
    (Want one "in stock" - see below)
    See if a closer dealer will meet - or come close.
    Then decide - travel -and how far- for the best price.

    Sell your trade yourself.
    A trade is a major negative!
    Trade-in value of trade goes up, so does the cost (price) of the new unit.
    Anyone who thinks it doesn't work that way is foolish..:R

    Line up your own financing.

    If you must have a unit "off the lot" (in stock) - do all of the above, and you will be a *much* better position to negotiate.
    Also, you will know how much you will save - ordering -vs- "in stock".

    BTW - the *BEST* the one you got - as most folks believe..:C

    Happy hunting.

  • Mfan wrote:
    I ask for their price. I make an offer. If I purchase, it's between those 2 numbers. I'm making a purchase, not a friend.

    No kidding. I feel like I haven't gotten the best deal unless the sales staff is fed up with me and PO'd.
  • MSRP price $100.000 on sale for $65,000 they realy don,t mean a thing. do your home work get on the net find out what they really sell for and figure out the price you will pay, its all hype to get your money.
  • What's the deal on MSRP???

    They keep it vague, trying to maximize their profis.

    MSRP's can be all over the place, meaning not standard.

    The % of buyers that do not do there homework, help out dealers making a higher profit.

    Bargining is part of the process when buying a RV.

    GOOD thing, nowdays is the power of the internet and inormation available, an educated buyer can help out tremendously.


    To see prices throughout the US (you will get a better feeling of correct MSRP, some delaers post close to "REAL" selling prices)

    There are some WHOLESALE dealers that will quote "wholesale" pricing, giving pricing ammunition

    Site that gives, you dealer costs on a lot of units, will iveyou potential, what the dealer has in a unit.

    Keep in mind, depending on your repair/maintenance skills, part of purchasing locally, is the follow-up service with a dealer, working with you wih warranty & issues with a rig.

    Good luck, have fun!

  • Some may disagree with my theory, but I negotiate totally differently on RV's as compared to vehicles.

    On my recent purchase I did a lot of online research for the model I wanted. Since I would be trading in a used 5th wheel I did as much research on its value also. I had my "dream" price difference written down when I showed up at the RV lot.

    We went to an extremely large dealer. We told the salesmen the model we were interested in but also told him we were not locked into it and we were not going to purchase for several months. He showed us several other models in a similar price range.

    After a couple hours we thanked him and he almost begged us to allow him to shoot us a figure. We again told him we really didn't want to trade yet but if he wanted to throw some numbers together that was okay.

    He actually came back with a figure that was just below my "dream" trade difference!

    There were several add-ons that we wanted, which would add approximately another $6,000 to the total price. We only had to go back and forth once and we got the add-ons for a lot less than expected.

    When all was said and done we were over 35% off the MSRP of the new unit plus allowed more than we actually paid for our trade.

    If he would not have given us a favorable initial price, we would have went down the road to another dealer and done the same thing.
  • Search online and take a look at numerous MSRP's for the RV you are interested in to get a rough average. It will vary widely based on options. Keep in mind a dealer doesn't have to show the manufactures MSRP and can show you whatever numbers they choose. Gaining an average online should put you in good negotiating position. Typical markup on an RV is over 30%. Don't tell dealer you want 30% off. Make a $ offer that is based on 30-40% off the MSRP if known or the full non discounted dealers price if it is inline with averages you've found. Shoot on the low side and negotiate up to around 30%.

    On brand new 2015 models 25% may be all you can bargain for.
  • I ask for their price. I make an offer. If I purchase, it's between those 2 numbers. I'm making a purchase, not a friend.