GrumpyandGrandma wrote:
Bipeflier wrote:
For those who get the Goodyear G614 here is the inflation chart for RV tires. Just look up your tire size and load to determine the proper inflation pressure. Not everyone needs 110 PSI.
Goodyear Inflation Chart
Not according to GOODYEAR they said always run 110 on a FW or TT. The chart is for motorized.
If your RV came with GY "G" tires and the RV tag says 110psi then GY WILL tell you to run 110psi!!!
NOW this is where things change, if you are upgrading LOAD RANGE as in from "E" to "G" then GY WILL tell you to use the weight/inflation chart and add 5psi to those numbers.
I personally did the upgrade and called GY Tech support and the lady told me exactly what I just wrote. She also said an over inflated tire WILL cause a harsh RV ride and overinflation WILL cause the tires to have LESS stopping ability and she also said overinflation WILL cause the tires to wear pre maturely.
Don't believe me call GY Tech Support.