GrumpyandGrandma wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
GrumpyandGrandma wrote:
Bipeflier wrote:
For those who get the Goodyear G614 here is the inflation chart for RV tires. Just look up your tire size and load to determine the proper inflation pressure. Not everyone needs 110 PSI.
Goodyear Inflation Chart
Not according to GOODYEAR they said always run 110 on a FW or TT. The chart is for motorized.
Don't believe me call GY Tech Support.
That's who my "e" mail came from. So like any manufacturer I guess it depends on who you talk to or who gets the "e" mail.
When I changed from the original tires to the GY's my local dealer gave me the chart as a reference. I also contacted GY Customer Service and was told to go by the chart depending on the weight of the trailer.
The "motorized" thing doesn't make sense as most of those tires sizes would never be used on any motorized units.