Well I am in no way an apologist for GSRSA but I think to be fair it has to be said that MANY tow truck companies are not what you might call stellar pillars of the customer service sector.
Many I have dealt with over the years have been more akin to Fast Buck Freddy Midnight Auto types.
This of course is not true of all of them and I have to say I am sure they have professionalized over the years. But it cannot be easy to deal with them from the perspective of being GSRSA either.
In one post I asked several pointed questions about how the tow companies were paid (not how much) and what the system was to choose which company came out, among about 5 other questions about how the RSA system worked. The answers were less than forthcoming and some were not answered at all.
I will leave in Aug to start Full Timing, I have left the decision of which Road Service provider to choose until the last minute. GS has some benefits over some others. But the constant drumbeat of unhappy customers with valid sounding complaints does give me pause. Especially when GS will not simply disclose How they make these decisions and How their system works. (without disclosing proprietary info of course)