Sfla2 wrote:
4X4Dodger wrote:
Sfla2 wrote:
Hey i just had a thought maybe Marcus wants GS & GSRA to go away & just have CW, not much $ in GS, so just let it die a slow death & then shut it dn
RSA is probably one of the most profitable parts of the GSE conglomerate. According to Mike Siemens President of the Good Sam Club which has authority over the RSA. Road Services has 500 THOUSAND active members.
So lets look at the math: If you assume that all of those only have the basic plan (Which is VERY VERY conservative)at $79/year that is $39,500,000 PER YEAR.
I am willing to bet the VAST majority of members never use the services leaving a lot of money in the pot for the multiple users.
No I am sorry this is a highly profitable sector of the company. Especially when you consider there are virtually NO Capital Expenditures to be made to get that $39.5 Million.
sorry,had no idea it was so many members or that much $. on this same thought is GS a money maker with out RS?. if what you say is right which i belive you then why do they have such a bad repetion as far as paying, w 39 m they should do better paying ,as not much overhead just ph answers
Well my guess is, and it's just that I have no facts to back it up, they probably use up the customary 30-60-90 day billing period to the Max. Back in the 1980's when I was consulting at IBM they paid the minute your invoice hit their desk. But not all companies are like that. Given the state of the computer systems at CW I can imagine that it takes a while, but in this day and age there is no excuse for that.
Another possiblity is that GSRSA does not administer the program and that there is a third party between them and the tow companies making things take longer and result in more inefficiency. (this is one of the questions they did not answeer for me).
But also to be fair, knowing Towing companies they may be doing all of this by paper instead of computer and some of the delay may be their fault too.
GSE is very profitable, and in fact they are getting a huge infusion of cash to expand CW and grow and update systems. They are the dominant player in the industry. And this is, partly I think part of the problem, They really have very little competition.