Francesca Knowles wrote:
I'm betting that Good Sam is unwilling to accept the liability attached to just leaving something in a parking lot. Turning it over to a live person means their responsibility for it is over. And since you couldn't be there, shop owner/employee is the next best thing. Not the same thing as you calling a tow truck and arranging delivery to a closed facility. In that case, YOU are the responsible party.
This incident does point up a rather surprising benefit of a membership in this service- coverage for the vehicle no matter who's driving it/ involved in the breakdown/accident. Triple A (what I have) coverage is strictly for named parties. They won't tow a rig AT ALL unless the covered person is there- and at both ends.
Valid point, to clarify we were willing to follow the tow truck to the body shop in another vehicle and complete the body shop's drop off form.