mark5w wrote:
wbwood wrote:
So why promote and sell a book with information that is not current? Do you start knocking off the price as the year goes by because there's a better chance that the information is more out of date?
It makes no sense to me at all.
Does a park really go from one extreme to another in such a short period of time? They pass this month, but fail next month and you drop them? No warning? Never the less you should honor the discount if you have them listed in the current book. How often are parks dropped? How about sending an electronic update out? Perhaps people can get on a mailing list and once a month you send out a list of parks no longer affiliated and then maybe information about new parks. At least that way those who like to use the book (although I am not one of them) can go through and cross out those who are removed. I mean if there is a park that sits on a fence where one month it's on the good side, but next it's on the bad side, I would mark them off my list and out of my book completely because they are not consistent.
R U kidding me. If you don't like the book not being up to date, don't buy one.
Electronic message: that's why there is a web site kept up to date
Check out the GS website and throw the book away. 21st Century, get into it.
First of all, I have not bought the book (but was given one as an Elite member and it was boasted that it was a $25 value)nor would I. But there are those, like the OP, that do buy them and use the book. Just as there are those that use paper maps, yes, they do still make paper maps. Whether it be because the person is older and has not/refuses to go all digital, and/or some people actually prefer it.
This is not an argument of whether or not it's easier to use the website. I do all my research on the internet. Hell, I don't even search out for GS parks as it is. I might of used the discount once, but it was because I noticed it on the campgrounds website that I was interested in. But some people do depend on them. Especially when they have the most current one, you expect it to be up to date. As I mentioned, some people camp in places where they don't have internet access.
Someone mentioned phone books. You don't pay for phone books. Advertisers do. I can understand if GS handed these out for free to members, but to actually charge for them and then they aren't up to date the day they hand it to you is redicilous. But there should be a disclaimer in it right up front that the information is not up to date and that you need to check the website (which could be wrong too technically). The OP's situation is not the first time an issue has been brought up about parks being advertised (on the GS website) and then they get there, it's not. I guess they can literally remove it from the website just seconds after you look at it and when you get there.