jeffcarp wrote:
wbwood wrote:
But some people do depend on them (the book). Especially when they have the most current one, you expect it to be up to date
Do we expect that? I think what most people here are trying to tell you is that it is an unrealistic expectation. GS has > 2200 affiliated parks. I've read 2 stories here, EVER, about a GS park that actually was removed from the system while being in the book. I've read a few more stories here about someone not being given the discount. Those are two different issues.
Let's say 5 parks have actually been removed from the GS system. Let's say all 5 of those parks are still in the book despite GS knowing that they aren't in the system. That means that the book is 99.77% accurate based on that set of circumstances.
In reality, no one has provided 5 examples. Further, no one has even contended that the parks were dropped from GS before the latest edition was printed. We are talking about parks being removed AFTER the book was printed. Any expectation that a printed book accurately reflects changes made AFTER the book was printed is beyond logic and not worthy of a response.
You see this same mindset in the GPS forums. People find 10 errors over the course of their travels, on a device that contains 5 million points of interest and that makes the device "worthless" and "inaccurate." It's illogical.
wbwood wrote:
Someone mentioned phone books. You don't pay for phone books.
I am not sure that you understand the book being discussed here. This is not a GS book that only lists GS campgrounds, which is what you seem to be thinking. This is a book of ALL campgrounds, around 15,000 of which those that are GS affiliated happened to be identified. It is the product of the combination of Trailer Life Directory and Woodalls. So in reality, those same 5 GS park errors, in THIS book of 15,000 campgrounds means 99.97% accuracy.
Excellent explanation and reasoning.