Yes I was aware of that as once I discovered it was not being covered in the discussions with the warranty company they made it clear, And basically was informed I was now at the mercy of GS to deal with the issue that they don't change there mind basically there decisions are final even tho it was clear that the initial decision was not based on the actual failure using rust as a reason for declining coverage did not fit the situation and I felt it was done since one of the exclusions was rust and was done and a blanket reason to decline coverage not taking into consideration the failure I really had to question whom they had contracted to look at it considering I have yet to find anyone but the warranty company to think a blown head gasket could be caused by rust inside a running engine., I did find there customer service process a little less that favorable since I kept having to call them for information and even after they declined coverage never got one notice mail, phone, email, etc. Since I'm in Texas our consumer protection laws are very favorable towards the consumer according to my lawyer so I do have that option as well. But truthfully I'm already dealing with a unrelated issue on some property that will be in the courts for years and all it is doing is making the lawyers money, even tho in the end I will come out pretty well.